Instant Full Cream Milk Powder is made from pure, fresh, homogenized and pasteurized cow's milk of prime quality. Water has been removed by a special spray process which ensures that all natural food elements are preserved. Our Instant Full Cream Milk Powder is easily digestible and can be used for all purposes where milk is required.
The milk powder substitutes contain variable proportions of butterfat, milk fat and/or vegetable fat, milk and vegetable proteins, starch, and functional whey proteins.
Please note that similar to fresh cow's milk, Full Cream Milk Powder has not been modified for feeding infants under the age of 12 months.
Product Characteristics
- Brand : KUBU
- min. 28% Animal FAT
- dissolves immediately, even in cold water
- available in 400g, 900g, 1800g and 2500g Tins
- " KUBU "Full Cream Milk Powder is also available in, 400g POUCHES
- strong packaging with high appeal on the shelves
- Languages : English/Spanish/French/Portuguese/ Arabic