Gadgetry & Hardware

Gadgetry & Hardware

Manufacturing High-Quality Dairy Products in Europe

Manufacturing High-Quality Dairy Products in Europe

At Kuber Group Technology, we specialize in manufacturing instant fat-filled milk powders, SMP blends, and demineralised whey using advanced technologies and strict quality procedures in Europe.

Raw Material Storagec

All raw materials for our instant fat filled milk powders, SMP blends, and demineralised whey are stored under modern refrigeration conditions. This ensures preservation of valuable nutrients and maintains high hygienic standards

Raw Material Storagec
Microfiltration (MF)

Microfiltration (MF)

Microfiltration using ceramic membranes is a crucial step in our powder production process. This innovative technology ensures superior purification, fat removal, and reduction of micro-organisms compared to traditional methods.


The final processes of whey powder production before the drying process is to thicken the concentrate downstream of NF using evaporator systems and the process of crystallization. The concentration process in evaporators allows the water to evaporate under a reduced pressure to a level of 58% to 60% dry matter.

One of the most prominent features of whey powder is its non-hygroscopicity, i.e. lack of tendency to agglomerate during transport and storage.

This is achieved by crystallising the concentrate downstream of the evaporation process. For this purpose, special process tanks, the so-called crystallisers, are used to cool down whey at a strictly defined rate. Such a process makes it possible to obtain practically non-hygroscopic whey and allows the drying process to be carried out smoothly.

Nanofiltration (NF)

Nanofiltration (NF)

Nanofiltration (NF) is employed before evaporation in our process. It plays a vital role in concentrating raw materials and partially demineralising whey, thereby enhancing the overall quality of our products. This step effectively removes impurities and fine particles, ensuring that our final products meet high standards of purity and nutritional value.


Our modern 25 kg bag packaging line is equipped with a very accurate electronic weighing and bagging machine verified by the Office of Weights and Measures.

The packaging line equipped with a welder and a sealer used to close the foil insert by welding and the entire bag be sewing. As a result, the bag is tight and aesthetically closed.

In addition, each bag passes through a metal detector that verifies its cleanliness. The line is also equipped with a dust aspiration system to reduce any contamination at the packaging system. The packaging system is also equipped with a big bag packer for big bags weighing from 500 to 1000 kg.



Pasteurisation is a crucial step where raw materials are heated to specific temperatures to reduce microorganism levels, ensuring product safety and extending shelf life. This process effectively eliminates harmful bacteria and pathogens while preserving the nutritional integrity of the raw materials.

Protein content

One of the basic indicators of powder quality is its appropriate content of Whey protein in accordance with the requirements of standards as well as the requests of customers

The only technology to standardise the protein content and thus maintain the same quality of powder obtained without additives is the ultrafiltration (UF) process that is implemented at our plants. Ultrafiltration removes a certain amount of the protein-free fraction (permeate) from the whey, and as such the protein content in the powder is controlled

Protein content
Spray Drying

Spray Drying

The final stage of the whey powder production process is drying. For this purpose, the so-called spray driers are used where, using hot air, the whey is finally concentrated from an initial water content of 40% to 42% to a level of 3.0% to 4.0%.

Such a low water content is a factor that makes it possible to store the finished product for up to several years without any organoleptic or physical-chemical changes, and health safety is maintained

Treatment and management

Permeate and condensate treatment is carried out with the use of membrane technologies based on the reverse osmosis process, the so-called RO-polisher

The applied technology is used to treat permeates downstream of after NF and condensate downstream of the evaporator to the obtain water quality providing completely microbiological safety and very good chemical quality.

The technology implemented at our plants also allows significant reduction in the amount of wastewater discharged, and thus a reduction in production costs and the negative environmental impact.

Treatment and management